
Leadership Academy

NASA astronaut Ron Garan, who has more than 6 hours of spacewalking to his credit, describes his experience of seeing the globe for the first time from outer space: “The view of the Earth from space gave me a unique perspective – what I called the orbital perspective. Part of this is knowing that we are all traveling together on the same planet, and if we look at the world from this perspective, we will realize that nothing is impossible. ”

The same happens with the leader who, thanks to new experiences, overcomes silo thinking and begins to see the organization and business from a wider perspective, not from the perspective of his department or function. He may then notice that if all employees had a common vision of the organization, its strength and effectiveness would be incomparably greater. Without the broad perspective of managers, their leadership maturity, necessary for the development of business and organization, is impossible.

In the face of new challenges in the business environment, expectations towards leaders are also changing: the importance of building commitment, taking the risk of innovation or building authentic relationships has increased. In order for managers to meet these expectations, companies must invest in their accelerated development. Otherwise, we will not quickly improve the current situation, when as many as 75% of companies say they do not have enough leaders capable of meeting future business challenges (DDI, 2019).

Our Leadership Academy was created in response to the specific development needs of today’s leaders. One of its distinguishing features, highly appreciated by our clients, is providing participants with opportunities to think and act from the perspective of the company’s Management Board. We achieve this by combining strictly development activities, such as workshops or coaching, with work on business projects commissioned to Academy members by the company’s Management Board.

The Leader Academy is a program implemented inside the company and strictly adapted to the needs of its leaders. Participants are 6-14 managers identified as high potentials. The program lasts from 6 to 12 months and is led by trainers and coaches with many years of business experience.

The Academy consists of:

  • 6 dynamic workshops on different areas of leadership
  • Business projects (1 or 2, depending on the number of participants)
  • Individual coaching (optional)
  • Coaching of project team leaders
  • Diagnosis of leadership competences before and after the program.

Thanks to the Leadership Academy:

  • the business maturity of leaders is increasing
  • young leaders bring more innovation to the company
  • the engagement of the company’s managers employees increases
  • the company effectively uses the potential of its managers
  • the pool of successors for higher positions increases
  • turnover in managerial and executive positions is decreasing
  • the company implements more innovations
  • the organization is better prepared for changes and new challenges
  • it is easier to retain the best leaders in the company.