Is your organization interested in building a diverse workplace? By investing in including and treating everyone equally, organizations improve their productivity and the quality of life of their employees. A diverse work environment guarantees a greater share of the consumer market. Today it is a prerequisite for a competitive economy in a global world.
In response to these needs, a new management area called Diversity & Inclusion or D&I for short has emerged. Coach U offers the widest range of services in Poland in the field of supporting diversity and inclusion and preventing discrimination, exclusion and mobbing in the workplace. Our offer includes:
- Power speech
- D&I audit
- Coaching
- Training
- Mediation
- Consulting
It is an unconventional presentation, live or online, that is a dose of inspiration, motivation and knowledge in the area of Diversity & Inclusion. Power speech is a source of energy for employees and may be a part of all-employee meetings. Power speech is based on the activities of the anti-discriminatory Porta Foundation and examples of corporations managed by the values of diversity and equality.
When faced with the issue of diversity, company management boards ask themselves to what extent their work environment supports diversity and inclusion. In order to provide an honest answer, not based just on superficial observations, we offer companies an in-depth audit that allows them to answer questions such as:
- Are cases of unequal treatment present in the company?
- If so, what is its scale and what groups of employees it concerns?
- Is the unequal treatment systemic and what is it about?
- What are the company’s procedures or practices to prevent unequal treatment and foster inclusion? How effective are they?
- What is the readiness and openness of the organization to deal with the topic of diversity and inclusion?
- Where in the company are there risk areas in terms of unequal treatment?
- What are the recommended actions to be taken based on the above observations?
Individual and team coaching is dedicated to leaders and teams that need a higher level of competence in the area of diversity management. The result of coaching is an increase in leadership attitudes that support inclusion. Individual coaching supports leaders in dealing with specific challenges in the area of exclusion, discrimination and mobbing.
We conduct trainings to develop knowledge and attitudes that support a diverse and inclusive work environment. The training courses are offered in two versions: for managers (including management boards) and for HR departments.
Trainings are conducted by trainers who know the issues of diversity and inclusion from their own managerial practice. The training is interactive and most of the time is devoted to exercises and discussions. Participants will learn about diversity management based on case studies.
The topics discussed during the training include:
- The meaning of inclusive leadership and how to implement it.
- The importance of using inclusive language.
- The influence of unconscious bias on decision making, incl. recruitment.
- Legal aspects of discrimination in the workplace.
- Best D&I practices.
Thanks to the D&I training, participants will learn:
- What are the mechanisms and effects of excluding or unequal treatment of employees
- How to support diversity and inclusion, and how other companies deal with that
- How diversity management affects the efficiency of an organization
- What are the challenges of managing diversity and how to deal with them
- What practical steps to take in your own organization.
We conduct mediation in situations of conflict between employees. The subjects of mediation include in particular conflicts related to exclusion, discrimination and mobbing. Quick conflict diagnosis and mediation allows the organization to avoid high costs of possible litigation and negative impact on its image.
We help organizations provide an inclusive work environment where diversity is respected and employees are treated equally, which supports the company’s competitiveness and its attractiveness as a desirable employer.
We offer consulting in the following areas:
- Creating D&I policy
- DevelopingD&I strategy
- Mentoring of people responsible for D&I in the company
- Creating an action plan to build an inclusive work environment
- Developing materials informing employees and job applicants about the company’s D&I policies, values and principles that support inclusion.
- Start with Mediation or Coaching – if you want to solve the current problem of discrimination or exclusion.
- Start with D&I Training, Consulting or Power Speech – if selected people in the company need information and inspiration in the field of D&I.
Start with a D&I Audit – if you want to see where your company is with regard to D&I and what the most pressing D&I issues are.